The definitive green building guides

The complete green building & sustainable home renovation guides by Ecohome

All the Green Home building advice and guidance needed for sustainable renovations and high efficiency new home construction can be found in the following categories, starting with step-by-step guidance for Green Home designs, all the way to healthy home interior finishing and beautiful sustainable gardens. It's easy to search for the most pertinent Green building guides in the search bar above, or toAsk an Expert for individual Green Home building help here. It's also interesting to check out allthe latest sustainable home construction and lifestyle news here.

Planning & Designing Sustainable Green Homes


Foundations, Basements & Slab-on-Grade

Renovating or building a new home in the US or Canada with a Basement or a Slab on Grade, in the EcoHome Foundation & Basement guide section you will find the basics on foundation, basement & slab design, insulation, site selection & preparation, excavation, drainage & radon gas prevention & mitigation.

Walls and Roofs

The structure and design of a building envelope will determine how much it costs to heat and cool your home, and how long it will last. This section contains information about wall designs that will protect your home against the elements, and create an enjoyable indoor environment that is healthy, comfortable and durable.

Mechanical systems

Mechanical systems and plumbing are at the heart of a home's operation. We cover heating and air conditioning, ventilation, electrical systems, efficient water management and renewable energy production. Informed decisions on design and product selection can affect comfort, efficiency, durability, operational cost and above all, health for occupants.


Interior design, material selection and finishing information is divided into the different rooms of your home. The choice of flooring, cabinetry materials, paints and coatings, doors and moldings and furniture is done primarily with personal appeal in mind. If you combine that with materials that are more durable and healthy, you protect your investment, and the quality of the air you breathe.

Exteriors - Eco-Friendly Alternatives

Whatever amount of garden or outdoor space you have at your LEED, Passive House, ZNE or Green Home & however you hope to use it, we can help you turn it into a beautiful, functional & enjoyable space. We cover everything from alternatives to the traditional lawn, native plants, growing food on a balcony to choosing stormwater management systems, building a natural, chemical-free pool, solariums, durable deck building, natural pools, bee keeping and urban farming