Green Building Guides helps define the steps for building resilient, sustainable & healthy homes. If building a new house, improving or renovating an existing home, choosing a building lot or finding Green homes for sale, there are priorities to set & decisions to make - like what's the best wood to use for framing, whether to choose a basement or slab on grade foundation & especially, how to fix and keep to a home building budget. Think to ask questions too!

"> Planning & Designing Sustainable Green Homes - Ecohome - 世界杯比利时vs摩洛哥盘口分析

Planning & Designing Sustainable Green Homes

This section of theGreen Building Guideshelps define the steps forbuilding resilient, sustainable & healthy homes. If building a new house, improving or renovating an existing home, choosing a building lot or finding Green homes for sale, there are priorities to set & decisions to make - like what's the best wood to use for framing,whether to choose a basement or slab on grade foundation& especially,how to fix and keep to a home building budget. Think to ask questions too!

Building Green Homes on a Budget is Possible - Our top tips
Planning and Design

Top tips for planning and building a green home on a budget

When building a new home, especially a sustainable high-performance home, planning everything out in detail will save time, money & stress, while ensuring the best possible choice of building materials for the budget. Proper planning is the key to successfully building a sustainable green home. An energy-efficient…

Future proof your home by preparing and building to for climate change
Planning and Design

Homes built for Climate Disruptions: A Primer for Home Owners and Buyers

As much as we want to see homes that are built sustainably - they must also fulfil their primary function - to provide safe, comfortable, healthy shelter for families to thrive - so durability and good design is key. I’m writing this during a heat wave in June, 2021, as much of the US and Canada seem poised to…

Building Climate Zones USA & Canada Maps Help with Specification of Homes
Planning and Design

Climate Zones in USA & Canada for Building Homes

Those setting out to build an efficient, sustainable or even net zero home in the USA or Canada, or to renovate an existing home for lower energy costs and better comfort, need to ask first; "what climate zone am I in?". The first step to building a durable and energy-efficient home in North America, including…

Zero Carbon Homes - The S1600 Prefab Eco Home is affordably Close
Planning and Design

Zero Carbon Homes - The S1600 Prefab Eco Home gets affordably Close

Zero-carbon housing & zero-energy housing are terms used interchangeably to define single family dwellings with a very high energy efficiency rating - but the overall calculation includes many other factors & should insist on good internal air quality. The low carbon footprint of the S1600 kit house The…

Prefab & Modular Construction is Booming for Sustainable Homes
Planning and Design

Prefab & Modular Construction poised for dramatic growth in 2020

Prefabricated & modular construction is growing as the building industry starts to realize the full potential of building homes in the controlled atmosphere of a factory; a new report reveals some interesting facts. Following on from our predictions for green construction in 2020, Dodge Data & Analytics just…

The Top Twelve Green Building Trends for 2020
Planning and Design

Find out what's trending in 2020 for Green Home Construction

The Top Twelve Green Building Trends for 2020. Top Sustainable Construction Trends for 2020 There are always new green building products coming out that lead to more efficient, more durable or more eco-friendly homes. But most of what grabbed our attention this past year, and the things that we will see through…

The EC3 Tool - Skanska - Calculating & Comparing Carbon Footprint of Buildings
Planning and Design

Calculating the Carbon Footprint of Buildings, Introducing The EC3 Calculator From Skanska

The carbon footprint of a building is the sum of 2 things; the embodied carbon from construction & the energy used once built. The EC3 tool from Skanska calculates a building's embodied carbon. EC3 - Reducing the carbon footprint of buildings EC3 Tool – The background - The interest in the environmental impact of…

World carbon emissions by country global overview
Lifestyle and environment

COP26 and world carbon emissions by country per capita - which countries top the charts?

It's a common misconception that Canada & the US are doing ok 'ish' on carbon emissions - as looked at in terms of absolute emissions the usual suspects are there on top. However, looking at per capita CO2 emissions reveals a different story. With the recent COP26 Global Climate Change Conference in Glasgow…

How to organize food in your fridge to make it last longer
Lifestyle and environment

Fridge organization - how to optimize fridges to reduce food waste (and why it matters)

The amount of food wasted in North America is huge - but beyond the social implications of the "haves" and the "have nots," food waste is having a significant impact on climate change. Here's a comprehensive guide to organizing fridges at home. Did you know that there’s actually an ideal order or layout of how to…

Home made DIY laundry detergent from buckeyes / horse chestnuts
Lifestyle and environment

How to make Eco-friendly DIY laundry soap from Buckeyes / Horse Chestnuts

See our DIY instructional video of how to make your own chemical-free laundry soap with Buckeyes, Horse nuts, Chestnuts or Conkers! Whatever you like to call them, we won't think you're nuts. DIY laundry soap made from Buckeyes/ Horse Chestnuts - who knew? The mission of Ecohome goes beyond providing sustainable and…

How to Build Homes & Protect Homes to Stop Wildfires

How to protect your home from fire - a burning need to know.

Home destruction vs. home survival in wildfires point to embers and small flames control as the main thing to help prevent homes igniting in wildfires. Here are some tips for homeowners & builders to prepare homes to withstand wildfires. Let’s start by pointing out that this post is mostly about fire coming from…


Planning and Design

Whilebuilding LEED certified houses,Passive House,Passive Solar,2022世界杯预选赛 - or any othertypes of Green certifications & rating systems for better homes可能会很复杂,指南旨在通过提供实用的指导和信息来帮助建设更好的家园。即使是有经验的承包商也会发现建造可持续的,有弹性的,高效的房屋是令人生畏的,所以它可能会看起来很复杂,但在绿色建筑指南中有许多简单的,负担得起的,节能和“良好实践”的房屋建筑施工技巧,将改善几乎任何家庭。世界杯葡萄牙vs加纳亚盘赔率卡塔尔世界杯排名预测

If building a Sustainable home for your family looks daunting, you can also find more information onArchitect designed prefabricated Passive House & LEED ready Kit Homes available in Quebec, Ontario, New York, Vermont, Maine or New Hampshire herethat helps make choosing a Green Home easier.

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