Gardens & Urban Agriculture

Gardening, food production, interior plants and living walls


The Pros & Cons of Lasagna Gardening for Growing Food

Lasagna Gardening: the pros & cons of a lasagna garden

A layered no-dig lasagna garden may be an easy way to convert a lawn into a food producing garden - but it's critics may say it's too easy - Ecohome investigates. As with any easy gardening technique, there is a lot to consider regarding lasagna gardening that specifically relates to its many benefits and ease of…

Lasagna Gardening - How to Build an Easy Vegetable Garden

Lasagna gardening - the easiest vegetable garden at home?

Lasagna gardening is one of the easiest ways to grow vegetables at home and turn a high-maintenance lawn into a productive garden space. What are the pros and cons of the lasagna garden? Do they work for clay soils. Lasagna gardening - what is it? The easiest way to turn a backyard lawn into an organic…

Growing Food Indoors, Vegetables for Homes & Apartments

Food & Greens can be grown easily indoors - here's how!

Growing food at home, even in an apartment, is easy for both adults & kids ; here is a beginner’s guide to growing tasty greens & vegetable sprouts indoors - just add some window space and let the harvest begin . A certain level of independence and a real sense of satisfaction can be gained from the growing hobby of…

Greenhouse Construction for Cold Climates

How to build a greenhouse in a cold climate

三位温室业主分享了他们在寒冷气候下建造温室的方法和经验,为粮食生产积累了好处。Growing Fruits and vegetables all year round in Canada or the colder parts of North America would be wonderful but, sadly, our climate limits us to a…

Solariums in cold climates won't heat homes unless carefully designed and built

Solariums in cold climates won't heat your home

Solariums and sunrooms in cold climates will not add heat homes as commonly thought, unless carefully designed for Passive Solar Gain. Solariums have been gaining in popularity over the last 20 years, as many homeowners have found them to be a very enticing solution to brightening up a long winter. They are made…

Flooded streets impervious surfaces - Calgary Alberta

Rainwater management and water-permeable surfaces

The importance and the benefits of creating buildings and landscapes that retain and manage rainwater on site. Stormwater - why it's important to choose permeable surfaces for paths & driveways As cities expand into the green space around them, naturally permeable landscapes are replaced with buildings, roads and…

Tips for Urban Gardening and Gardening in Small Spaces

Grow food at home: 8 great tips for growing food in small spaces

With a little creativity & ingenuity small spaces can be maximized for a greater food harvest from your garden & look great doing so. Many of us look forward to the unmistakable taste of fresh, locally grown vegetables and fruit, especially those that come from our own soil. For those of you who would like to grow…

7 Principles of a super abundant, solar, year round greenhouse

7 key principles for an abundant greenhouse

The year round off-grid greenhouse demystified, a Guest Post by Lindsey Schiller. As a native Californian transplanted into a much cooler climate (Western Quebec), I find myself mourning the loss of fresh local seasonal fruits and veggies all year long, which I understand is a first world problem on a few different…

Flow Frames: A father and son revolutionize beekeeping and put honey o

Flow Frames: Revolutionary beekeeping puts honey on tap.

Imagine siphoning honey straight from the hive, no mess, no fuss, with little to no stress on the bees. Can you imagine having honey on tap straight from your beehive? That is exactly what father and son team Stuart and Cedar Anderson aim to bring to market with an Indiegogo campaign they are launching later this…

Installing a rainwater catment system

Installing a rainwater catchment system

If you think a rainwater catchment system might be what you're looking for, whether to maintain independance or to further water conservation, read on. setting up a rainwater catchment system If it is not for financial reasons, why are you installing a water tank? Here are some reasons: To do your part for water…

Rain barrels for storm water management and rainwater harvesting

Introduction to rainwater harvesting



Green Roof on Canadian Grocery Store

Green Roof on Canadian grocery store offers truly local produce

Green roofs have known benefits for biodiversity in urban areas, water conservation, insulation properties and are simply more attractive to look at - here is an example of them being very practical too. Most commercial green roofs in an urban area offer green space for occupants and manage rainwater, but large…

Greenwashing - CMA Launches a New Investigation to Recognize it and Stop It

The UK Competition and Markets Authority is investigating "Greenwashing" of Products - Good!

We dislike product "Greenwashing," so it's music to our ears that the CMA in the UK will investigate descriptions and labels used to promote products and services claiming to be ‘eco-friendly’ with Worldwide implications. So what is product Greenwashing? Greenwashing eh? Heard the one about the "Natural Insulation"…

Chicago green roof

Toronto Bylaw to Mandate Green Roofs

随着住宅和商业建筑遵守新的规章制度,多伦多市中心的绿色空间很快就会激增。在这个过程中,我们将看到一个更凉爽的城市,更清洁的空气,更清洁的水和更低的公用事业成本。所有这些,还有一个很棒的地方。It's becoming increasingly more common to hear of record…

Cellulose Environmentally Friendly Rigid Foam Insulation Panels

Cellulose rigid foam board insulation - the environmentally-friendly styrofoam replacement?

A new environmentally-friendly rigid foam insulation board made from cellulose nanocrystals is a viable alternative to Styrofoam - according to researchers at WSU. Current rigid foam insulation panel choices It would probably not come as a surprise to many people to hear that fiberglass insulation and rigid foam…
